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12 BC of the Republic
42120 The Coteau
07 82 69 02 32
Costello artists
Our association was created in 1995 by Simone Boutet. Our activities are aimed at the artistic development of everyone by offering courses and activities related to art.
We are a non-profit association governed by the law of 1901 - SIRET number 40998384800014
board of directors
President:Manuel Gallardo
Treasurer:Didier Blanchardon
Secretary:Danielle Barthollet
Cultural entertainment:Jane Coppéré
Watercolor animation:Georges Prevot
Members :Yves Gay - Guy Plotton - Isabelle Leozko - Yves Montroussier - Carina Gallardo
Site management:Manuel Gallardo
L'association "Les artistes costellois" bénéficie de subventions publiques, l'association est signataire du contrat républicain et souscrit pleinement à ses 7 engagements.
Manuel Gallardo
L'association est signataire du contrat d'engagement républicain
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